Zonta international

Founding was a pioneer work of women for women.

Zonta International is a worldwide association of working women who chose to serve the who people have committed themselves. The priority is the goal, the status of women in the legal, political, economic and professional fields.

Binding is the principle that information about Zonta International, interdenominational and ideologically neutral. An essential aspect of Zonta International is the maintenance of friendship and mutual assistance.

That is the motto of "Zonta is Encounter - worldwide." Zonta International is a non-governmental organization voice at the United Nations (UN) and the Council of Europe. The German clubs are also in the German Women's Council.

Within the United Nations (UN), Zonta International holds the largest participution rights of a non-government organisation.

Since 1983, Zonta International is an NGO consultancy, within the Council of Europe.